
  • To create a new harvest/trophy press the "Menu" button, then "Add".
  • To delete a hunt, select the list representation and hold the finger on the entry to delete. A menu with the option to delete will appear.
  • Moving positions works as follows: open the map by pressing on the button with GPS coordinates. Now touch the spin and move it to the new location.
  • In this view you can only select hunting area and location, you cannot create, edit, or delete them. This is only possible in the "Extras" and "Locations" tab card, respectively.
  • If the position has not been set, it will be set to the position of the stand location, when a stand is selected
  • Depending on preferences ("Extras" tab > then "Preferences")  the position is set to the current location or the position of the stand when first selected. It can later be moved via touch and drag, or via editing the longitude and latitude using the edit button.


  • The position of a newly created hunting location will be the middle of the map, so make sure you positioned the map correctly before you add a new location. Though you can move it later via dragging.
  • To move symbols, select first "Menu", then "Allow moving". After this, you can touch the symbol (hold on it until it jumps) and drag it to its new location. Press "Lock" on the screen when you are done.
  • You can zoom to a specific location if you select it in the list view of "Locations" and hold your finger on it until the app suggestion "Locate".
  • You can turn the map by touching with two fingers and turning. To align to North again, tab on the compass.

Weather and Solunar

  • The amount of weather queries is limited to one for the current location and one for a specific hunting area every 3 hours. The reasons for this are limitations of the free weather provider. Once fetched weather information is cached for 3 hours.
  • Shooting light is based on the astronomical 'civil twilight', local hunting regulations might differ.
  • The duration of Solunar 'major' periods is 2 hours and of 'minor' periods is 1 hour. The solunar peak is in the middle of the displayed intervals.
  • More information regarding the Solunar Theory.
Backup & Restore

To export the database backup purposes or device change Android-to-Android.

  1. Use the "Extras" > "Database backup" > "Google Drive"
    • Please use "Google Drive" because it allows you to completely backup the data with all settings. The option "Backup to internal storage" is only there for legacy reasons and "Backup to Dropbox" is best used only for device and platform (Android-to-iOS) change as it cannot transfer settings, see below.
  2. The restore dialog in the app will only appear on first time start of the app, when no database is available.
    • If you missed that chance, you must must select "Extras" > "Database backup" > "Restore" to delete the current database and restart the app. For restore/import select of course "Google Drive", not "internal storage" and not "Dropbox".

Before deleting or handing off your old device, please make sure all data has been successfully transferred to the new device.  

Device change Android to iOS
  • Existing (old) Android phone:
    1. Press “Extras” > “Database backup” > "Backup to Dropbox"
  • New iOS phone (iPhone or iPad)
    1. Install the app & start the app
    2. In the app press “Extras” > “Dropbox Backup & Device change” > "Restore" 
Regular data transfer between devices (Android-to-Android and Android-to-iOS)